We've had so much rain in the Austin area that we are now experiencing a water shortage. Wait...what?

We’ve had so much rain in the Austin area that we are now experiencing a water shortage. Wait…what?

That’s right! Too much rain.

All the Highland Lakes chain has flood gates open to deal with excessive rain. Never before has this happened. All of the dams have flood gates open.

As a result a lot of silt and bacteria has been stirred up and it’s overwhelmed Austin’s water treatment system. Consequently, we are under a boil water notice.

Grocery stores are out of bottled water. Restaurants are closed. My God, even Starbucks is closed.

The world is ending.

Austin Water Shortage

Our local H-E-B grocery store looked like this.  There was a run on water!

This morning I was at La Madeleine Restaurant and they had no coffee.  No water means no coffee.  It also means a lot of grumpy people.


Picture above are the Ironmen, a small group of men who meet every Thursday morning.  We encourage one another in personal and business development.  We pick a book, read a chapter before the meeting and discuss it together.

This morning we brought our own coffee because of the water shortage.  What’s interesting is that we are studying the book “QBQ! The Question Behind the Question: Practicing Personal Accountability at Work and in Life.  We are learning to refrain from asking Why questions and instead ask How or What questions.

Today we were discussing how difficult it can be to deal with change.  Instead of asking, “Why do we have to go through all this change,” we learned to ask, “How can I adapt to the changing world?”

So, along a million other Austinites I’m adapting to this water shortage.  I’m boiling water to use for drinking, food preparation, brushing my teeth, etc. Yet, old habits are hard to break.  More than once I turned on the tap and ingested some bacteria filled water.  If I die, you now know why.


Dan Forbes

Buying or Selling a home can be an emotional and stressful experience. What I do is remove the stress to make it a totally Hassle-Free experience. Ask me about my Hassle-Free Listing System™ and my EasyBuying System™.

Broker at Forbes Realty in Cedar Park, TX.

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Dan Forbes

Buying or Selling a home can be an emotional and stressful experience. What I do is remove the stress to make it a totally Hassle-Free experience. Ask me about my Hassle-Free Listing System™ and my EasyBuying System™.

Broker at Forbes Realty in Cedar Park, TX.

Dan Forbes

Buying or Selling a home can be an emotional and stressful experience. What I do is remove the stress to make it a totally Hassle-Free experience. Ask me about my Hassle-Free Listing System™ and my EasyBuying System™.

Broker at Forbes Realty in Cedar Park, TX.