In the resale market homes are selling within hours amidst multiple offers.
How Hard is it to Buy a Home Today in Cedar Park, Texas?
Our whole Central Texas market is in a strong seller's market.
We are in a very strong Seller's market.
New Homes in Cedar Park Texas. Which Community is best: Trento or Travisso?
This video is about new homes in Cedar Park, Texas. I compare two new home communities: Trento VS Travisso.
The Cedar Park Real Estate Market is HOT. The numbers for July 2020 just came out and this market is hot! It is an extreme Seller’s market. But...
How is Covid-19 and Recession impacting the Cedar Park Real Estate market?
I moved to Cedar Park, Texas five years ago. Today I'm wondering: Did I make a mistake?
She exclaimed, "This is the one. We want to make an offer."
Cedar Park is ranked as one of the Safest Cities in Texas and the whole United States.
Where's the best places to live near Cedar Park, Texas?
Before moving to Cedar Park, Texas you need to know these 3 things.
Cedar Park, Texas is the 7th fastest growing large city in the U. S.
Will the Austin Real Estate Market Crash in 2020? If the current trend continues, it's highly likely.
This video and post is about the pros and cons of living in Cedar Park, Texas. You’ll discover the Top 5 Pros and Cons as well as the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly...
Let's compare the cost of living in Cedar Park with Austin, Texas; Los Angelos, California; and Tampa, Florida.
The Apple Springs Neighborhood in Leander, TX is a favorite for those looking for peace and quiet. It's known for acreage, hills, and large homes.
This video is about the best places for families to live in Austin TX. Five cities in the North Austin area are within an easy commute of Austin, TX.
Cedar Park, TX was named after an actual park that was once a Rail Road stop in the 1800's.
How is COVID-19 Coronavirus Impacting Austin Real Estate April 2020?
This weeks discussion includes four professionals to share insights on how the CARES ACT affects Homeowners, Business Owners, and anyone economically affected by the...
Fitch Ratings warns that Dallas and Austin are among the markets that could be the most affected during the pandemic.
If a recession is coming in 2020, it's best to live in one of these Texas Cities.
The three Real Estate markets that stand to be most affected by the fallout from the Coronavirus is California, New York, and Texas (specifically Austin). Why is that?
People often wonder what a Realtor does on a day to day basis. In this video: Hi everybody. Dan Forbes, Forbes Property Group of Pure Realty. I’m here in...
If you are at all thinking about buying a home, here's what you need to do first.